What is Bumi Rusun Lancang Kuning and where is it???
Rusun is the abbreviation of Rumah Susun (Block House), while Lancang Kuning is taken form a famous boat in the ancient history of Malayan. This block house is a special present from PT. JAMSOSTEK (Labor Insurance) to the workers in Batam. And officially legalized by ex-president of Indonesia Megawati Soekarno Putri at 2003. It is easy to reach this block house because the location is strategic, not far from the business centre of Batam, Nagoya and Jodoh. Then the most interesting is, Harbour Bay is the neighborhood of this block house. It means that it is easy to reach Ferry terminal, Seafood Restaurants and Shopping Centre. It is exactly at Jln. Duyung, Batu Ampar – Batam.
Mostly, block house has a negative connotation because crowded and no rules for those who live in it. But Rusun Bumi Lancang Kuning is different. This block house offering us the secure of living (24 hours security), elegance, green, health, far from noisy and the most important thing is economic. You just need to pay for Rp. 400,000 per month. And the management of this block only allows four persons to stay in one room. It means that each person only needs to pay for Rp. 100,000 every month plus electricity and water charges. It is really cheap, isn’t it?
In your spare time, you can go to Harbour Bay just on foot and the mid of the night you will see the color of Singapore thorough their lights in the air just from your room windows. That is why many workers and new comers choose this block house to stay as long as they stay Batam.
So, you do not need to think twice if you just come to Batam, Rusun Bumi Lancang Kuning is the best place to stay for the new comers, job seekers and employees. Stay in Rusun Bumi Lancang Kuning feels like living in apartment. Are you interested in living there? Just come and contact the management to rent one of the rooms from that block house.
Hehe, sippp banget Bang. Aku aja yang tinggal di Rusun Bida Ampar juga bangga & nggak malu kok...
Semangat trus Bangggg...!!!
Iya dong sis maria, kenapa mesti malu, lagian huniannya juga asri, murah meriah, aman dan lokasinya strategis apalagi yang mau dicari??? hehehhe
Tinggal di Rusun Lancnag kuning emang cool.
beda banget dengan rusun-rusun yang saya tau di Indonesia.
Awal-awal saya lihat rusun lancang kuning tak kirain apartment.
betah dech saya tinggal sejak dateng hingga move dari Batam...
@ Uli, Yoi sis Uli, kapan datang ke batam dan stay di Rusun Lancang Kuning lagi??? hehehe
sayang manajemen & pengelolanya TIDAK PROFESIONAL.
fisik bangunan & lingkungan mungkin nyaman, tapi akan berantakan kalo dikelola oleh manajemen yg orang2nya TIDAK SADAR/TIDAK TAU/TIDAK dibekali PENDIDIKAN WILLINGNESS OF SERVICE.
meskipun bukan hotel berbintang, kepuasan & kenyamanan penghuni seharusnya jadi prioritas secara rusun lancang kuning jualannya jasa/service, dengan mengedepankan ETIKA BISNIS YG FAIR, bukan ngejar occupancy saja.
semoga masalah ini jadi perhatian serius JAMSOSTEK sebagai owner.
tempatnya oke, cman management nya gak oke.. tagihan sering salah udah gtu etika ngadepin customers harus kudu bgt di refisi..
minta contact personnya dong kak
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